The story behind Logan Paul vs KSI is long but it's an interesting story. Logan Paul and KSI both are one of the most famous internet stars alive. Logan Paul who comes from Ohio, United State, has around 20 million subscribers on youtube and billions of video views on Facebook and Youtube altogether, he started with Vines,
which was one the applications that allowed a 6-second video, so the person who could actually think and create a 6-second video story excelled in that, and Logan Paul is a hilarious guy so he was one of the biggest vine stars in the United States with around 2 billion views on that platform.
He started vines in 2013 and by 2015 he had a Youtube Vlogging channel and was a record-breaking fastest-growing channel in the history of Youtube.

Whereas KSI comes from London, Great Britain. He started his Youtube Channel in 2009 and was more involved in music, gaming commentary, and vlogging as well.
KSI also has Billions of views on youtube and has around 20 million subscribers too. KSI is for Britishers as Logan Paul is for Americans. Both have a massive fan following and are loved widely.
But this story is going to revolve more around Logan Paul and how he met KSI.
The Controversy
In 2017 Logan Paul was at the pinnacle of his career. He was loved and followed by millions of people and the energy, motivation, and inspiration he used to give his fans was out of this world.
Kids wanted to be like him, they idealized him, adored him, they loved his energy and the way he was so consistent in posting vlogs.
Every day he used to wake up in the morning, hold a camera in his hand and started talking to his fans with such enthusiasm and exuberance. He was very relatable to most of his audience and hence was cherished by them.
One day out of nowhere, he went to a suicide forest in Japan and there, he found a real dead body of a person who took his life. The usual Logan Paul did, what he used to do the best, he filmed him and he was not able to take that situation seriously and thought more of the content he could actually get out of it. He was definitely not ready for the repercussions.
He filmed the dead body, made a few jokes that were unintentional and posted it on the internet. It was this day when the empire that Logan Paul had built started to fall. The video got millions of views in just 24 hours and it destroyed Logan Paul.
The media started doing what it usually does, they demeaned him, degraded him, obliterated him. Not just the media but huge Hollywood names started tweeting about how contemptible his act was. Meanwhile, the Youtubers who were out of the league for a very long time came back out nowhere and cashed Logan Paul out, they knew how big this name was and it was the right time to cash him out with mockery and using him as a clickbait on their videos.
These YouTubers were outmatched by him for such a long time and now it was the time to chastise him and get money out of it.
The adversity broke Logan Paul, defamed him and affected his image badly. He disappeared. It was his period of convalescence.
This sickness was harsh. harsher than he thought. The guy who was loved a few months ago was now one of the most hated guys in the world. Imagine how it would have felt, and destroyed his self-confidence, being hated by almost everyone in the world.
Logan Paul was down and gone. No sign of him. This is what he had to say after the incident and I kind of agree with that.
"Just like everyone in life, people make mistakes, mine happened to be in public and in front of the whole world.
"Being able to take that and get up and keep on fighting and being able to redeem yourself and make a come back even though 99% of the world doesn't believe in you I think is gonna say a lot and make a lot of people believe in themselves when they're down."
The Redemption
Logan Paul has always been a man who never gives up. that's the only reason he became number 1 Youtuber in the world from nothing.
People, who were still his fans (like me) knew that he's going to redeem and gain all his powers back very soon, but I was his fan because of his strategic marketing abilities and not because of how cool he was, just to be clear here, and I knew he won't give up because no one wants to lose all their financial power. Anyways, as expected, Logan Paul was back with a dramatic video where his beard and hair were all grown up and he was found somewhere near a beach laying down on sand and whatnot (it was just another funny video). But he knew this would not help anymore.
So this is where KSI comes in. Another big Youtuber from another country, calls him out for a boxing match out of nowhere, are you freakin' kidding me? a boxing match? and Logan Paul accepts it.
I cannot say it was planned because I have no evidence but the logic makes sense, that it actually was planned and Logan Paul wanted to divert his fan's attention from the Japan incident. This is why I love this guy! he thinks out of the box.
Who in the world could ever think that a boxing match would return him the respect that he lost? It was Logan Paul and it actually worked out. This guy's a genius.
He fought the match with KSI, he built all the hype that he could build with again, his marketing techniques and he sold the entire Manchester Arena in Manchester, England in July 2018. The fight was a draw, and that's strange because draw in a boxing match is quite rare, but it didn't end there, they decided to have a rematch which was yesterday 9th November 2019.
I am having a great time understanding this dude. He lost yesterday by a split decision and now I am looking forward to his next move.