Love is when you care for somebody more than yourself. When you're willing to make sacrifices and compromises for someone.
When you do not care about what people have to say about you or the one you love, and all that matters to you is their happiness, whether their happiness makes you suffer.
When you are ready to give all and take none. When you are not worried about the repercussions and you know that you'll gain nothing, but you still go for it.
When you are ready to give up your life for them, everything that you have earned in your life, all your assets and liabilities and you know that you have to lose all of these things just to get close to the one you love, and not even acquiring them.
Existence of Love in the real world.
Love exists but just the love of God and not the metaphorical love. I agree, that this is a very debatable topic and many people would not agree with me, and it's okay if they don't because they might be in their illusory love right now and they will understand what I am saying, a few years later when they come out of it.
Here's why I say that the love with another human being (especially with the opposite gender) is not true and just an illusion; True love can be found in Islamic Sufism where 100's of saints have come and spent their whole lives in the love of God, sacrificed everything in the way of God, killed their inner self just to get the approval of God or to be closer to him.
They spent their whole lives finding God and wished to just get a single glance of him, although they knew that God has no face and is everywhere and in everything, but the power of love was so strong that they kept on trying and spent their whole lives worshipping, venerating and adulating God.

Saints are so much valued and admired in Islamic Sufi culture that now whirlers spend their whole lives in the tombs and shrines of these saints, loving them and hoping that these saints one day might lead them to God or become the means of connection between them and God.
This is what love is! spending your whole life in simplicity, leaving behind the glowing luxuries of the materialistic world just for LOVE. Can we do that for another woman? or can a girl do that for another man? The answer is NO!
I am not talking about leaving the materialistic world or spending a simple life for another girl, but making a sacrifice of this level or to this extent. We simply cannot do it. Whether you have a relationship of 10 years and you "just can't live without her".
Love for another human being.
Let me tell what happens to you when you, so-called, fall in love; You see a girl, you instantly fall in love, you ask her out, she agrees and your relationship starts in a few months.
You start talking to her and try to impress her as much as you can so she sticks to you doesn't get away, you enjoy all the moments you spend with her and you love the process of acquiring her. You do it so persistently that it becomes an addiction, a habit.
Now you are in this quicksand and even if you want to get out of it, you cannot, because it's an addiction worse than drugs. It is fulfilling your emotional and physical needs. So basically, you love yourself.
You are doing everything for self-love and not love for someone else. you want her to fulfill YOUR emotional and physical needs, you want her to fulfill YOUR needs of talking to someone and not get bored and you want her to take care of YOU.
Everything you are doing in your relationship is for yourself, then who do you love? ask yourself. There's an example of the fish, a man loves fish, yet he kills it, fries it and eats it, because he doesn't actually love fish, he loves the taste of it for himself. That's love for us nowadays.