There's a reason why people say that music is a healer and a universal language. You don't need to speak or understand a certain language to enjoy music, you feel it entering into your nerves if it sounds well, no matter what the language of the song is, You understand it and you are carried away with it.
Music is a combination of different notes put together in a certain arrangement and set in a particular tempo. We don't usually pay attention to what music actually is, and how, these random sound frequencies are actually sounding good to our ears? and how do we differentiate between good and bad music? If we notice, we will see that our brains are actually pre-programmed to recognize the difference between good and bad sounds.
The frequencies in our unconscious mind harmonize with the musical frequencies and tell us whether the music is good or bad regardless of our musical talent. So, every person in this world can tell whether the music is good or bad.
People with musical talent are special, that they have the ability to judge and interpret music with their conscious mind and cognitive thinking. They are on another level of understanding music, they can understand how the arrangements of the notes could be varied and how the tempo works and how can a piece of music be produced from scratch.
They can do it whether they learn music or not, they have this natural ability to do it. However, people who are not so good at music or don't understand it can still differentiate between good and bad music through their unconscious mind.

Good Music VS. Bad Music
How do we get to know whether the music is good or bad? I think that there is no such thing as "bad Music", Music cannot be bad and here's a technical reason for it; Let's assume that a song starts from a C major, all the other chords that are in that song would definitely be from the family of C major or its relating chords.
A song cannot be made using notes which are not interlinked or connected in any way, to each other. having said that, a song that has notes which are not linked to each other in any way possible is not a song and hence not music, we should call it "NOT MUSIC" rather than "BAD MUSIC". So when I say that there's no such thing as bad music, I literally mean it.
The human brain has the ability to understand that "Not Music" and recognize it instantly because it is naturally made for harmonizing with the good sounds.

Healing Through Music
People who don't have strong will power, do not heal quickly. Whereas people with greater will power tend to heal quickly. Music is a mood changer, it can inspire and motivate people to have better will power and subsequently heal quickly from disease.
I have seen people coming out of a very critical health situation just because of their will power. The lack of will power is what doesn't let you come out of your disease.
Music just works like a catalyst in this situation. thus, listening to music can decrease anxiety, improves the quality of life of dementia patients and it can even restore lost speech due to traumatic brain injury or a stroke that has damaged the left region of your brain which is responsible for speech.