When I say that you are unique, I literally mean it. There is not even a single biological part in your body that is exactly identical to someone else's, Even the most identical twins are dissimilar in various ways, for instance, their thumbprints differ from each other. So you, whoever is reading right now, is one and the only in this entire universe, not just this world but in the whole freaking universe. can you imagine that? how intense, as well as cool,  is that. You are incomparable and unmatchable. You are the only one of your type, of your category.

       With that being said, I am not disagreeing with the fact that there might be similar features in two different human beings as well. for example, their eye color, skin color, hair type, etc. These things look the same in appearance, but factually, they have a different number of micro-organisms, skins might look the same but they are not if you look them on a microscopic level, I clearly don't know much about it but that's what science says. I am sure you have got my point, that's how it is, that's how human beings are born.

       let's just get rid of science now and talk about things that are very important in your life and matter to you and people around you and how they are too, different from everyone else, Your experiences. Your experiences are unique. your experiences altogether in life can never be the same as mine. I cannot feel what you have felt and vice versa. I might not have seen what you have seen, even in something that we had experienced together. let's take a small example here, two people were in a car accident together, they hit a dumper and the car slid off the road and hit a tree or something. Now in this situation, both the people would have had different injuries, different levels of pains, and different stories at the end of the day ( if they had survived). This is primarily because we have dissimilar perceptions and opinions about everything. We perceive the same phenomena with a different perspective,  because of the uniqueness in our background, genetics, creativity, relationships, intelligence, and so many other things.

       Then why on earth are we always trying to be someone else? why can't we just be what we are?
why aren't we comfortable in our own skin and stop being fake? why can't we just take off this illusory mask that we are always wearing on our faces? and accept and be what we are, for once.